
Judy Hall

查缪尔(又称卡麦尔)的意思是 "寻求上帝的人"。 其他拼法包括卡米尔和萨麦尔。 大天使查缪尔被称为和平关系的天使。 人们有时会要求查缪尔帮助:发现更多关于上帝的无条件的爱,找到内心的平静,解决与他人的冲突,原谅伤害或冒犯他们的人,找到并培养浪漫的爱,并伸出手来为那些需要帮助才能找到平静的动荡不安的人服务。

See_also: 毗湿奴神:爱好和平的印度教神灵






查缪尔在主要的宗教文献中没有提到他的名字,但在犹太教和基督教的传统中,他被认为是执行一些关键任务的天使。 这些任务包括在上帝派大天使约菲勒把亚当和夏娃赶出伊甸园后安慰他们,以及在耶稣被捕和受难前在客西马尼花园安慰耶稣基督。


犹太信徒(尤其是那些遵循卡巴拉神秘实践的人)和一些基督徒认为查缪尔是七位大天使之一,他们有幸生活在上帝直接存在的天堂。 查缪尔代表卡巴拉生命之树上被称为 "Geburah"(力量)的品质。 这种品质包括在基于智慧和信心的关系中表达坚强的爱。查缪尔擅长帮助人们以真正健康和互利的方式爱别人。 他鼓励人们检查和净化他们在所有关系中的态度和行为,努力将导致和平关系的尊重和爱放在首位。


See_also: 七位著名的穆斯林歌手和音乐家的名单 Cite this Article Format Your Citation Hopler, Whitney. "Meet Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Peaceful Relationships." Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, learnreligions.com/meet-archangel-chamuel-124076. Hopler, Whitney. (2021, February 8). Meet Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Peaceful Relationships. Retrieved from //www.learnreligions.com/meet-archangel-chamuel-124076 Hopler, Whitney.Chamuel,和平关系的天使。" Learn Religions. //www.learnreligions.com/meet-archangel-chamuel-124076(2023年5月25日访问)。复制引用

Judy Hall
Judy Hall
Judy Hall is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and crystal expert who has written over 40 books on topics ranging from spiritual healing to metaphysics. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Judy has inspired countless individuals to connect with their spiritual selves and harness the power of healing crystals.Judy's work is informed by her extensive knowledge of various spiritual and esoteric disciplines, including astrology, tarot, and various healing modalities. Her unique approach to spirituality blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing readers with practical tools for achieving greater balance and harmony in their lives.When she's not writing or teaching, Judy can be found traveling the world in search of new insights and experiences. Her passion for exploration and lifelong learning is evident in her work, which continues to inspire and empower spiritual seekers around the globe.