
Judy Hall

Table of contents


约书亚之后,历史书带我们经历了以色列在士师时代的起伏,向王权的过渡,国家的分裂和作为两个敌对王国(以色列和犹大)的生活,两个王国的道德衰退和流亡,被掳时期,最后,国家从流亡中回归。 历史书几乎涵盖了以色列的整个千年历史。

当我们阅读《圣经》的这些篇章时,我们重温了令人难以置信的故事,并见到了迷人的领袖、先知、英雄和恶棍。 通过他们在现实生活中的冒险,有些是失败的,有些是胜利的,我们对这些人物产生了个人认同感,并从他们的生活中吸取了宝贵的教训。

See_also: 伊斯兰教的万圣节:穆斯林应该庆祝吗?


  • 约书亚
  • 法官
  • 露丝
  • 撒母耳记上和撒母耳记下
  • 列王纪上和列王纪下
  • 历代记上和历代记下
  • 以斯拉
  • 尼希米
  • 尹思哲

- 更多圣经书籍

See_also: 凯莫什:摩押人的古神 Cite this Article Format Your Citation Fairchild, Mary. "Historical Books." Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, learnreligions.com/historical-books-of-the-bible-700269. Fairchild, Mary. (2020, August 25). Historical Books. Retrieved from //www.learnreligions.com/historical-books-of-the-bible-700269 Fairchild, Mary. "Historical Books." Learn Religions. //www.learnreligions.com/historical-books-of-the-bible-700269(2023年5月25日访问)。 复制引用

Judy Hall
Judy Hall
Judy Hall is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and crystal expert who has written over 40 books on topics ranging from spiritual healing to metaphysics. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Judy has inspired countless individuals to connect with their spiritual selves and harness the power of healing crystals.Judy's work is informed by her extensive knowledge of various spiritual and esoteric disciplines, including astrology, tarot, and various healing modalities. Her unique approach to spirituality blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing readers with practical tools for achieving greater balance and harmony in their lives.When she's not writing or teaching, Judy can be found traveling the world in search of new insights and experiences. Her passion for exploration and lifelong learning is evident in her work, which continues to inspire and empower spiritual seekers around the globe.