
Judy Hall

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穆斯林经常看到他们跪在被称为 "祈祷毯 "的小型刺绣地毯上。 对于那些不熟悉这些地毯用途的人来说,它们可能看起来像小型 "东方地毯",或者只是漂亮的刺绣品。


在伊斯兰教的祈祷中,崇拜者在真主面前谦卑地鞠躬、跪拜和匍匐在地上。 伊斯兰教的唯一要求是祈祷必须在干净的地方进行。 祈祷毯并不是穆斯林普遍使用的,伊斯兰教也没有特别要求。 但它们已经成为许多穆斯林确保祈祷场所清洁的一种传统方式,并创造一个与世隔绝的空间,可以集中祷告。

See_also: 天使祈祷:向大天使拉古尔祈祷

祈祷毯通常长约一米(或三英尺),刚好够一个成年人跪着或跪着时舒适地站在上面。 现代商业生产的地毯通常由丝绸或棉花制成。

虽然有些地毯是纯色的,但它们通常是有装饰的。 设计通常是几何、花卉、阿拉伯式的,或描绘伊斯兰教的地标,如麦加的卡阿巴或耶路撒冷的阿克萨清真寺。 它们通常被设计成使地毯有明确的 "顶部 "和 "底部",底部是礼拜者站立的地方,顶部指向祈祷的方向。

祈祷时间到了,礼拜者将地毯铺在地上,使其顶部指向沙特阿拉伯的麦加方向。 祈祷结束后,立即将地毯折叠或卷起,放好以备下次使用。 这样可以确保地毯保持清洁。

祈祷毯的阿拉伯语是 "sajada",它来自同一个词根( ǞǞǞ )为 "masjed"(清真寺)和 "sujud"(跪拜)。

See_also: 基督教音乐中的27位最伟大的女艺术家 Cite this Article Format Your Citation Huda. "Islamic Prayer Rugs." Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, learnreligions.com/how-prayer-rugs-are-used 2004512. Huda. (2020, August 26). Islamic Prayer Rugs. Retrieved from //www.learnreligions.com/how-prayer-rugs-are-used-2004512 Huda. "Islamic Prayer Rugs." Learn Religions. //www.learnreligions.com/how-prayer-rugs-are-used-2004512 (accessed May 25、2023年)。复制引用

Judy Hall
Judy Hall
Judy Hall is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and crystal expert who has written over 40 books on topics ranging from spiritual healing to metaphysics. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Judy has inspired countless individuals to connect with their spiritual selves and harness the power of healing crystals.Judy's work is informed by her extensive knowledge of various spiritual and esoteric disciplines, including astrology, tarot, and various healing modalities. Her unique approach to spirituality blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing readers with practical tools for achieving greater balance and harmony in their lives.When she's not writing or teaching, Judy can be found traveling the world in search of new insights and experiences. Her passion for exploration and lifelong learning is evident in her work, which continues to inspire and empower spiritual seekers around the globe.