
Judy Hall

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你可能知道为什么圣周四被称为Maundy Thursday,但你知道为什么前一天叫Spy Wednesday吗?

See_also: 学习伊斯兰教在用餐时的祈求(杜阿)。

许多天主教徒一听到 "间谍星期三 "这个名字,就认为 间谍 这是个合理的假设:毕竟,"A "和 "B "是一个拉丁语单词的缩写。 茅台酒 在Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday)中的 "Maundy Thursday "是拉丁文的英语化(通过古法语)。 曼陀罗 ("任务 "或 "命令"),指基督在约翰福音13:34中最后的晚餐上对他的门徒的命令("我给你们一条新命令:你们要彼此相爱,如同我爱你们一样")。

同样地,在 琥珀 微光之日 "中的 "微光 "与火无关,而是来自于拉丁语的短语 滕波拉四重奏 ("四次"),因为每年要庆祝四次微光节。

See_also: "米德拉士 "一词的定义


但在《间谍星期三》的案例中,这个词的意思正是我们认为的意思。 它是指马太福音26章14-16节中犹大的行为:

"十二个人中有一个叫加略人犹大的,去见祭司长,对他们说:你们给我什么,我就把他交给你们。 他们却给他三十两银子。 从此他就找机会出卖他。"

马太福音第26章的开头似乎把这一事件放在受难日的前两天。 因此,一个间谍在圣周的星期三进入门徒中间,当时犹大决心为了30两银子出卖我们的主。

Cite this Article Format Your Citation Richert, Scott P. "Why Is Wednesday of Holy Week Called Spy Wednesday?" Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, learnreligions.com/spy-wednesday-3970805. Richert, Scott P. (2020, August 25). Why Is Wednesday of Holy Week Called Spy Wednesday? Retrieved from //www.learnreligions.com/spy-wednesday-3970805 Richert, Scott P. "Why Is Wednesday of Holy week Called Spy星期三?"学习宗教。//www.learnreligions.com/spy-wednesday-3970805(2023年5月25日访问)。复制引用

Judy Hall
Judy Hall
Judy Hall is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and crystal expert who has written over 40 books on topics ranging from spiritual healing to metaphysics. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Judy has inspired countless individuals to connect with their spiritual selves and harness the power of healing crystals.Judy's work is informed by her extensive knowledge of various spiritual and esoteric disciplines, including astrology, tarot, and various healing modalities. Her unique approach to spirituality blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing readers with practical tools for achieving greater balance and harmony in their lives.When she's not writing or teaching, Judy can be found traveling the world in search of new insights and experiences. Her passion for exploration and lifelong learning is evident in her work, which continues to inspire and empower spiritual seekers around the globe.