
Judy Hall

在这篇向希波的圣奥古斯丁(354-430)、主教和教会医生的祷告中,我们请求这位伟大的基督教皈依者为我们代祷,使我们能够弃恶从善,增加美德。 我们的尘世生活不过是为永恒做准备,而真正的慈善-爱-是天堂的预兆。




我们无法拯救自己;只有上帝的恩典,通过他的儿子所带来的救赎授予我们,才能拯救我们。 不过,以类似的方式,我们依靠其他人--圣徒来帮助我们获得这种恩典。 通过他们在天堂为上帝代祷,他们帮助我们改善生活,避免危险和罪恶,在爱、美德和善行中成长。 他们对上帝的爱,反映在他们的在经历了生命的挣扎之后,他们向上帝求情,使我们的挣扎更容易。

See_also: 根据马太福音和马可福音,耶稣喂养了许多人


谦卑地: 谦虚;对自己和自己的价值有谦虚的态度

See_also: 圣经》中的男孩名字和含义的终极清单

恳求: 卑躬屈膝地乞求

恳求: 急切地要求,乞求,恳求

三倍的祝福: 极其有福或非常有福; 三次 指的是三是一个完美的数字。

心灵的: 有意识的或有意识的

功绩: 美好的行为,在上帝看来是可喜的。

已送达: 释放

增加: 更大的发展

获得: 获得一些东西;在这里,通过为上帝代祷,为我们获得一些东西。

传授: 赐予某人的东西

殷勤地: 热情地;热情地

发炎了: 着火;在这里,是一种比喻的意思

凡人: 与今世而非来世的生活有关;世俗的

朝圣之旅: 朝圣的旅程,在这里指的是天堂。

Cite this Article Format Your Citation Richert, Scott P. "A Prayer to Saint Augustine of Hippo." Learn Religions, Mar. 4, 2021, learnreligions.com/prayer-to-saint-augustine-of-hippo-542710. Richert, Scott P. (2021, March 4). A Prayer to Saint Augustine of Hippo. Retrieved from //www.learnreligions.com/prayer-to-saint-augustine-of-hippo-542710 Richert, Scott P. "A Prayer to Saint Augustine ofHippo." Learn Religions. //www.learnreligions.com/prayer-to-saint-augustine-of-hippo-542710 (accessed May 25, 2023). Copy citation

Judy Hall
Judy Hall
Judy Hall is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and crystal expert who has written over 40 books on topics ranging from spiritual healing to metaphysics. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Judy has inspired countless individuals to connect with their spiritual selves and harness the power of healing crystals.Judy's work is informed by her extensive knowledge of various spiritual and esoteric disciplines, including astrology, tarot, and various healing modalities. Her unique approach to spirituality blends ancient wisdom with modern science, providing readers with practical tools for achieving greater balance and harmony in their lives.When she's not writing or teaching, Judy can be found traveling the world in search of new insights and experiences. Her passion for exploration and lifelong learning is evident in her work, which continues to inspire and empower spiritual seekers around the globe.